Voodoo Juice 1 Litre
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice took 2 PhDs to create and formulate.
Voodoo Juice is a liquid solution consisting of five strains of microbes, one of which is a nitrogen fixer.
These microbes colonize the plant’s root system facilitating the conversion of nutrients both organic and chemical.
Voodoo Juice is not a mycorrhizal mixture.
Every 4 litres of Voodoo Juice contains 200 billion microbes.
Nutrients are converted to forms that become bio-available to the plants while also stimulating explosive root growth. Plants are better able to acquire vital nutrients and moisture.
- Maximize Root Mass
- Optimize Intake Of Nutrients And Water
- Vigorous Growth
- Maximum Harvests
+ GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master growers
+ WHEN TO USE VOODOO JUICE: Early Veg Phase, Early Flowering, Cloning, Transplanting, Growing from Seedlings
+ GARDEN TYPES: Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, hydroton, rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthetic, synthorganic.