Bud Candy 1 Litre
Bud Candy is the only 100% organic flower booster that sweetens taste, scent, size and value of your hydroponics crops.
You’re getting two products in one with Bud Candy because it gives you everything that was in Sweet Leaf and CarboLoad, but it also gives you a lot more too, and in an easy to use formula.
Bud Candy pays off after your harvest too, because it makes finished material that cures better, tastes better, and resists storage diseases.
It stores specific organic ingredients in your harvested material so your flowers cure better, taste better, and stay fresher longer.
Then, Bud Candy helps your harvested material resist brittleness, over-dryness, and microbes that can attack your harvested material and cause it to degrade or be unsafe for you and your friends to consume.
Testing shows that crops grown with Bud Candy have a higher potency rate and a longer shelf life.
Up to 40% longer in some cases.
- Larger Flowers
- More Taste
- More Aroma
- More Resins
- Stronger Roots
- Faster Floral Maturation
- Stronger Plant Immune Systems
+ GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and Grand Master growers
+ WHEN TO USE BUD CANDY: Bloom phase
+ GARDEN TYPES: Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthorganic, synthetic.
+ DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 6 of your flowering phase.